
For What Reasons Should You Advertise Your Business on WhatsApp?

A Guide to WhatsApp Marketing

When it comes to instant messaging, WhatsApp has the global market cornered. As of the year 2020, it was being used by over 2 billion people every month. For companies to reach consumers in emerging markets, they need this channel of communication. For example, every month, 340 million Indians and nearly 100 million Brazilians use WhatsApp. Nonetheless, the platform is also a great option for advertising in the United States, where 68 million people use WhatsApp on a monthly basis.

Over half of all WhatsApp users check the app daily, so marketing on WhatsApp is a great way to keep in touch with your clientele. Even better, the average open rate for a text message is 98%, so you know they’ll see your offers.

As a final note, this mode of contact is very well-liked by your clientele. Five-hundred-thirty-three percent of consumers say they are more likely to make a purchase from a brand they can contact via a chat app.

There are additional benefits, however, to incorporating WhatsApp into your marketing plan. Keep reading to find out why this advertising method is so useful.

Deep connections with clients

More than half of consumers say they feel closer to a brand when they communicate with it via messaging services. This makes WhatsApp marketing a failsafe method for establishing meaningful connections with clients. This kind of connection is reciprocal; keeping customers around is 5-25 times less expensive for businesses than finding new ones.

As it stands, WhatsApp offers a rich menu of customization options for businesses. Some examples of such messages are birthday greetings, special offers, and warm welcomes. Over 70% of consumers say they only engage with personalized marketing messages, so it’s clear that this strategy works.

Improved rate of conversion

Selecting the best possible medium for first contact with customers is crucial. Phone calls can irritate people who prefer to avoid contact via email or social media.

In this case, WhatsApp can be a useful tool for encouraging potential customers to make a purchase. Companies report that 40% of WhatsApp messages from customers were read.

Plus, messaging increases sales. Specifically, the conversion rate can be boosted by 112.6% through the use of messaging after the initial contact with a prospect. Not only can you increase conversions through other channels besides WhatsApp marketing, but you should. Follow our complete guide on conversion rate optimization if you want to learn more tricks.

Improved sales

Using WhatsApp as a sales tool is like waving a magic wand. Including a WhatsApp phone number on your website is a cheap and easy way to gain access to 27% more potential customers.

Potential customers appear more comfortable with a company just because they can contact the company via their preferred messaging app. At least two-thirds of consumers say they are more likely to buy from a company that is present on instant messaging platforms.

Even better, you can treat WhatsApp as its own sales channel. Due to the rising popularity of online chat services, it’s not impossible. Sixty percent of shoppers say they plan to increase their use of messaging services to make purchases in the near future.

Reduced marketing expenditures

WhatsApp is attractive to small businesses because it is still a cheap marketing channel. To get things rolling, you need only download an app and be online.

The likelihood of your message actually being received by the customer, meanwhile, is extremely high. One user checks WhatsApp over 23 times per day, on average.

More conversions, higher sales, and stronger customer relationships can all be achieved with WhatsApp marketing, all at a negligible cost. How to create a successful WhatsApp advertising campaign is covered in the following article.

Promoting your business via WhatsApp can help you strengthen your brand and create lasting connections with your clientele. The best outcomes can be attained by expanding beyond WhatsApp and becoming an expert in all the channels your customers prefer. Email and web push notification campaigns, in addition to Facebook and Telegram messages, can bolster your marketing strategy. Join The SocioBee to begin using Whatsapp Marketing.

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